It is no longer possible to imagine a world without photography. In our digital age anyone can pick up a camera to produce a ‘good’ image and share it with the world. Cheaper, better, user friendly technology and ease of access to online platforms have blurred the line between the professional and the amateur. A new culture of producing and consuming photographs is at work, challenging the profession of photographer as we used to know it, yet at the same time allowing us to express ourselves in innovative ways to a range of potential audiences on a global scale.
As a web technology company in the photography industry, Viewbook is directly involved in translating new technologies and needs into meaningful possibilities for photographers. At a time when technology, globalization and the internet are having such great impact, we are curious to find out how photographers see those changes and how they work with them.
Viewbook Transformations is a program designed to explore these new challenges to photography and is aimed at promoting highquality work, especially the use of photographs as part of a sustained in-depth narrative. The program includes an annual $5,000 grant, and publishes visual stories. To spark dialogue we have assembled an expert team (see below). Guest writers will share their ideas and vision on changes in photography.
Examples of themes that will be explored within the Transformations program are:
Which current developments affect visual storytellers and how?
- What does it mean to be a photographer today, and how does one make a living doing so?
- How do technological developments change the way in which stories are produced, and does form affect content?
- How can photographers best reach and engage an audience?
Transformation Experts:
Arianna Rinaldo
Donald Weber
Giuseppe Oliverio
Sarker Protick
Tanya Habjouqa
More info about the grant: