'the earth is still going around the sun'
13 exhibitions | Curatorial Intensive South Asia 2019
Khoj International Artists’ Association in partnership with Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan New Delhi is pleased to announce the opening of ‘the earth is still going around the sun’ – 13 curated exhibitions. The exhibitions open at 6pm, on the 14th of December, 2019 at the Art Gallery at the India International Centre, New Delhi. These exhibitions brings together curators from Iran, India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka for a two week curatorial fellowship in New Delhi. CISA aims to develop a diversity of perspectives on the medium of the exhibition in South Asia and Iran and to provide both a structured and an experimental inquiry into the possibilities of curatorial practice today.
The exhibitions will open on December 14, 2019 at 6 PM at the Art Gallery, Kamaladevi Complex at the India International Centre, Delhi and will run through till December 20, 2019. The timings for the gallery are 11am-7pm.
CISA 2019 Fellows:
Alisha Sett (India)
Ashima Tshering (India)
Ayushma Regmi (Nepal)
Diwas Raja (Nepal)
Maryam Bagheri (Iran)
Mila Samdub (India)
Poulomi Paul (India)
Pranamita Borgohain (India)
Rumi Samadhan (India)
Sadia Marium (Bangladesh)
Sarker Protick (Bangladesh)
Kirubalini Stephan (Srilanka)
Zohreh Deldadeh (Iran)